
Friday, February 7, 2020

Another Great Week of Learning in 1b!

This week in phonics, we wrapped up our work in unit 9.  In unit 9, students will learn about blends and the difference between a digraph and a blend. A digraph contains two consonants and only makes one sound, while a blend contains two (or more) consonants but they each make their own sound. For example: flip, past. They will also learn about digraph blends. For example: lunch, shrub. This week students were introduced to r-controlled vowels (ar, or, er, ir, ur). They learned that we won't be using these vowel combinations in our spelling work yet, but will see them in books and stories so it is helpful to learn the sounds. The new trick words are: each, between, see, say, says... The children are doing an awesome job at memorizing them and it is so important to practice these at home.

Oral Reading Fluency- We are doing our mid year assessments with the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessments. It is great to see how many children have really grown in their oral reading skills and have gained confidence and fluency.  Reading is a so important to master at a young age. If you could have your child read out loud to you for even 10 mins a night, you will help them greatly as a student. The BEST part about this class is they BEG me to read with them every day. They LOVE to read so lets embrace it! 

Marshmallow Math- Yesterday we had some much fun learning math and maybe snacking on a few marshmallows. We introduced a few new concepts. We learned odd and even numbers, greater than, less than and the equal signs.  The math challenge at the end of teh lesson was to make a pyramid using the number pattern even, odd, even, odd. The children loved learning math this way and did a great job!


 Reminders- Day 100 is Thursday we will be making our t-shirts on Monday, please send them in if you have not yet. They can wear their shirts on Thursday with their gym uniform. 

Valentine's Day Party- Is Friday from 8:30-9:30, you can skip breakfast we will have a lot of breakfast treats right after assembly! Please send in 13 Valentine's just signed not addressed. 

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